Star Trek TNG: Season 2, Episode Four “The Outrageous Okana”

Stardate: 42402.7
Original Air Date: December 12, 1988
Writers: Les Menchen, Lance Dickson, and David Landsberg
Director: Robert Becker

“I simply want to know what is funny.
I want to be able to involve myself in other people’s laughter. I wish to join in.”

Rating: 2 out of 5.

The Enterprise-D is traveling in the Omega Sagitta System traversing between the twin planets that form the Coalition of Madena. Both worlds are populated by a humanoid race which colonized the planets two centuries ago and which now coexist under a precarious but successful treaty. But suddenly, an unidentified vessel approaches (a small Class-9 vessel, likely an interplanetary cargo ship). The small ship is experiencing system malfunctions and after capturing the ship in the Enterprise tractor beam, Picard speaks with its mischievous, rogue, abrasive, and irreverent Captain Thadiun Okana. He is particularly interested in the women aboard the starship, particularly B.G. Robinson (played by Teri Hatcher). From here, the Enterprise crew agrees to repair the ship. Meanwhile Data goes on a rather silly mission to understand the meaning of humor with Guinan’s assistance.   

Another unidentified interplanetary vessel (Class-7) approaches and aboard Debin of the planet Atlec announces he is chasing Okana for unspecified crimes. Then another vessel appears (Class-7) carrying Secretary Kushell from the Legation of Unity of the planet Straleb. He also demands Okana be turned over. He is accused of impregnating a young woman named Yanar and stealing the “Jewel of Thesia.”

At any rate, in the end Yanar’s child is shown not to be Okana’s (it belongs to another young man named Benzan) and Okana is also exonerated of the charge of stealing the “Jewel of Thesia.” The climax in this episode is surely one of the worst of any Star Trek episode. Yanar and Benzan are united in marriage and Data delivers a stand-up comedy set in the holodeck where the audience is programmed to laugh at all of his jokes. The episode concludes as Captain Okana departs in his repaired ship.    

My Thoughts on “The Outrageous Okana”

A stereotypically devilish rogue a la Han Solo, the character Captain Okana in this episode reminded me a great deal of the clumsy pirate who periodically appeared in TOS and TAS, Harcourt “Harry” Fenton Mudd. Only Okana is awkwardly smiling the whole time. “The Outrageous Okana” is little more than light fluff –Brent Spiner’s B-plot regarding the nature of human comedy is amusing at points as he speaks with a holographic representation of Joe Piscopo. But unfortunately, it’s not enough. This episode is mostly a waste of time, with some shockingly awful acting, though it does feature a splendidly triumphant score.


The episode was directed by Robert Becker. The story was written by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson, and David Landsberg.

Star Trek Trivia:

  • William “Billy” Oliver Campbell plays Okana in this episode. Campell was initially under consideration for the role of Riker in TNG, but he was rejected as producer Rick Berman felt he was “too soft.”
  • Teri Hatcher appears as Chief B.G. Robinson in this episode, but after the majority of her performance was cut from the episode, she asked not to be credited for this role.
  • Jerry Lewis was scheduled to appear in this episode but due to a scheduling conflict, he was replaced by Saturday Night Live comedian Joe Piscopo.
  • As of the time of this writing, Douglas Rowe (who played Debin) died only a couple weeks ago on May 13, 2024.

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